氏名 : ハムウィ フィリップ (281367248)
所属 : 河口研
題目 : Information extraction from social media for guiding emergency rescue operations
概要 :
In the recent years, the social networking and social media has become
a main source of information in general, and specifically as a news source
in the cases of emergencies and natural disasters.
I am interested in the extraction of data from the social media
networks on the internet,
using the natural language processing, in order to analyze it and compare it
with previously saved information.
My aim is to benefit from this extracted information, in the guidance of
emergency rescue operations. As an example of the information is the
location of the event,
the time of occurrence, and the current situation statistics (e.g.
number of injuries, etc.).
This guidance would be in a shape of positioning/directing the rescue
and also in giving the most needed or affected areas or people the
highest probability
in delivering the rescue aids.